Cuando la salud mental y el consumo de sustancias chocan

Pat Aussem, LPC MAC
Asoc. Vicepresidente de Desarrollo de Contenido ClĆnico para el Consumidor,
AsociaciĆ³n para poner fin a la adicciĆ³n
Nancy Pasquale
Coalition Coordinator & Youth Coalition Advisor, RyeACT
IBH Prevention Consultant, One Choice Prevention
Debbie Berndt
Director, Substance Free Athletics
Host, SAMHSA’s Talk. They Hear You! Campaign podcast
Spring is here, and for many it marks the start of the hectic, and often stressful, countdown to the end of the school year and all that comes with it for youth and families. Homework, tests, and final exams. Proms, Graduations, and end-of year “moving up” ceremonies. And gearing up for periods of transition: from Elementary to Middle School, Middle to High School, and the transition to work, college, and beyond for HS grads. While these times can be exciting and joyous, they are also frequently times of increased stress and anxiety, and are often associated with increased substance use for young people. This is an ideal time for parents and caring adults to make a renewed commitment to having those important prevention conversations with the youth in their lives, but many don’t know where to start.